recipes and tips. tried and tested.

Mango cheesecake jars @ Kek keju mangga ‘in jar’

When I was staying in the East Coast, we had a mango tree of a very special variety, apart from other beautiful fruit trees that grew healthily all year round, thanks yo our loyal and skillful gardener. Every three months, our mango tree would bear an abundance of juicy golden mangoes. It never failed to give us more than we actually could eat. Even when the kids invited the whole class over, there was still plenty to keep. So I would freeze the mango pulp and use it in desserts and juices.

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The amount of mango puree we had was enough to make dozens of cheesecakes. And I have tried dozens of mango cheesecake recipes. I have found that this mango cheesecake recipe by Catherine Lau, fits into my best cheesecake recipes list. It is literally a simple recipe. No bake, no fuss.

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A few days ago, we had 5 kilos of ‘Harumanis’ mango, a mango variety found in the northern-most state of Malaysia. ‘Harumanis’ is indeed synonymous with the state of Perlis. The downside is the price. It can reach up to 45 Ringgit per kilo at times. Ridiculously expensive I know but considering this fragrant fruit has such exceptionally sweet and juicy golden flesh, it is worth buying. Moreover, it is a rich source of vitamin A, B antioxidants and other minerals.

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Apart from the fruit and the ingredients, we love using jars as they look pretty when served. Cutting a cheesecake can be pretty tricky and messy so this is one good alternative. The jars I use to make this dessert were jam, pickle or nut jars. Soak these bottles in a large container filled with water and soda bicarbonate for at least 3 hours and you’ll find peeling the labels pretty effortless.

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So gather everything and lets jump into this great recipe inspired by Catherine Lau!

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Mango cheesecake jars

Recipe by MazminCourse: DessertDifficulty: Easy


Prep time








  • Cheesecake filling
  • 250 grams cream cheese

  • 50 grams icing sugar (original 60 grams caster sugar)

  • 230 grams blended mango pulp + 200 grams for layering

  • 1 tablespoon gelatin in 50ml cold water

  • 1 tablespoon orange or lemon jiuce

  • 150 ml dairy whipping cream

  • Crumb crust
  • 100 grams crushed digestive cookies

  • 1 sudu besar gula halus

  • 60 gram mentega (dicairkan)


  • Preheat oven to 180C. Line a tray with parchment paper.
  • Mix all cookie crust ingredients in a bowl and pour onto tray. Bake for 8 minutes.
  • Cream butter and sugar until well blended.
  • Melt gelatin in the microwave oven or over a pot of simmering water. Cool.
  • Add blended mango into cheese mixture and mix well. While mixing slowly add gelatin.
  • Add lemon juice and cream. Mix well. Divide this mixture into 8 equal portions.
  • Divide the cookie crust and mango into 8 portions too.
  • Start layering with the cookie crust, then half of the cheese portion followed by mango puree. Layer again with cheese filling and mango puree. Finish off with mango cubes on top.
  • Chill for at least 3 hours.

Kek keju mangga ‘in jar’

Masa di Terengganu, bila musim pokok mangga depan rumah kami berbuah, tak habis nak memakannya. Dah jemput sekelas kawan-kawan anak pun masih berlebih. Jadi dessert ni salah satu yang kami selalu buat untuk perabiskan mangga sebaik-baiknya.

Kali ni pula, kami gunakan mangga Harumanis sebab memang musimnya. Mangga Harumanis ni sinonim dengan negeri Perlis. Bau yang harum dan rasa yang manis memang sesuai dengan nama diberi. Siapa peminat mangga mesti tahu tentang mangga ni. Mahal tetapi banyak khasiatnya. Kaya dengan vitamin A, B ditambah pula dengan vitamin dan mineral lain. Khabarnya mangga Harumanis ni hakcipta negeri Perlis saja.

Walaupun dalam masa PKP ni, tetaplah kami order dalam 5 kilo. Makan sampai sendawa. Isi mangga kami bekukan untuk buat puree minuman atau kuih. Jika bekukan semasa buah masih segar, rasa mangga akan kekal sedap selepas keluarkan dari freezer.

Sebab mangga ni mahal, jadi setaraflah nak hasilkan kek keju mangga. Resipi kek keju mangga ni ialah antara resipi yang mudah dan sedap, yang kami ubah sikit dari resipi asal buku ‘Cheesecake Seduction’ oleh Catherine Lau.

Kali ni kami gunakan bekas yang tak terlalu besar biar tak muak memakannya. Botol-botol jam atau jeruk sangat sesuai untuk ‘glass dessert’ macam ni. Resipi ni juga boleh hasilkan kek dalam loyang bulat 7 inci. Jadi ada dua pilihan nak hidang.

Sebenarnya, boleh saja guna mangga apa pun, asalkan isinya masak dan manis. Resipi sama juga pernah kami gantikan dengan buah ‘passionfruit’. Pun sedap!

Silalah cuba resipi Catherine Lau ni!



8 pax


30 minit


3 jam


35 Ringgit


  • Kek keju
  • 250 gram krim keju (lembut pada suhu bilik)

  • 50 gram gula aising (asalnya 60 gram gula kaster)

  • 230 gram mangga blend + 200 gram lagi untuk lapisan

  • 1 sudu besar gelatin direndam di dalam 50 ml air sejuk

  • 1 sudu besar jus oren atau lemon

  • 150 ml krim (dairy)

  • 2 biji mangga atau secukupnya dipotong kiub

  • Lapisan biskut ‘çrumb crust’
  • 100 gram biskut ‘digestive’ hancur

  • 1 tablespoon fine sugar

  • 60 grams melted butter


  • Panaskan oven 180C. Siapkan 8 bekas kaca. Siapkan juga loyang yang dialas untuk bakar biskut.
  • Campurkan semua bahan untuk tapak biskut. Taburkan atas dulang dan bakar 8 minit 180C.
  • Pukul krim keju dan gula aising hingga sebati (jangan pukul terlalu lama)
  • Cairkan gelatin dalam microwave atau guna teknik ‘double boil’. Sejukkan sedikit.
  • Masukkan 200g mangga blend dalam adunan dan pukul sebati. Sambil adunan dipukul perlahan masukkan gelatin.
  • Masukkan jus lemon dan krim. Kacau sebati.
  • Bahagikan biskut kepada 8 bahagian. Bahagikan mangga blend dan mangga kiub kepada 8 bahagian.
  • Isi bekas dengan biskut dahulu. Tekan sedikit. Isi separuh dari adunan keju yang telah dibahagiakn untuk satu bekas. lapiskan dengan mangga blend (separuh juga). Ulang semula dengan adunan keju. Tabur mangga kiub di bahagian atas.
  • Sejukkan sekurang-kurangnya 3 jam.


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About Me

Mazmin Shariff

A mom, baker and cook, living in Malaysia, sharing the best curated and tried tips and recipes she has in her collection.



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